1/eldesh/basis_concept v0.10
A collection of basis concept and their operations
Basis Concept Zig
basis_concept-zig is a collection library of "basis concept" and some operations on it.
Some basic concepts such as Copyable
are provided.
Concept are named constraints on types such as Clonable
In the Zig language, polymorphic functions are sometimes typed fn (anytype) t
Often, however, functions with such types implicitly require some properties for their types.
The Concept
allows such implicit constraints to be named.
Naming such implicit constraint allows us to deal explicitly with constraints on types.
Further, some associated polymorphic functions are able to be implemented to each Concept such like Cloneable.clone
Equivalence of generic data type
To compare equivalence of data of various types:
/// A type constructed from various `isEq` types
const S = struct {
val_int: u32,
val_opt: ?u8,
val_eit: error{MyError}![5]u8,
const s1: S = ...;
const s2: S = ...;
if (Eq.eq(&s1, &s2)) {
Check for cloneability
When you want to implement clone
on a container type only for types that are clonable.
pub fn Container(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
pub const Self: type = @This();
pub const CloneError: type = std.mem.Allocator.Error;
pub usingnamespace if (isClonable(T))
struct {
pub fn clone(self: *const Self) CloneError!Self {
.. T.clone() ..
struct {}; // empty
// For a clonable type C:
var c = Container(C);
var d = try c.clone(); // clonable
// For a not clonable type N:
var n = Container(N);
// _ = try n.clone(); // compilation error
Comparison by total order
When you want to pass an ordering function for a key type of a Mapping container.
var map: Map(Key, Value) = MakeKeyValueMap(Key, Value, Ord.on(Key));
map.insert(key1, value1);
map.insert(key2, value2);
This library is developped with:
- Debian (x86_64) 10.4
- Zig 0.9.1
- Zigmod r79
To build, executing the following commands:
zigmod fetch
zig build
Unit Test
To performs unit tests:
zig build test
Generate docs
To generate documents:
zig build doc
A html documents would be generated under the ./docs
Provided Concept
TrivialEq Concept for types that trivially comparable value with
. This concept is defined for checking the type is comparable with==
. Then any extra method is not provided. -
TrivialDestroy Concept for types that trivially destroyable implicitly. Then any extra method is not provided.
Copyable Trivially copyable values with
means to duplicate a value that has no resources shared with the original one. In other words, it must not contain a pointer. -
Clonable Duplicable values using
method if exists. Similar to Copyable,Clonable
means that the value can be duplicated. However, the concept can be satisfied if theclone
method is implemented even if the value cannot be copied in the trivial way. In other words, if a type isCopyable
, it is automaticallyClonable
as well. -
concept means that a partial equivalence relation is defined for the type. The partiality comes from the fact that the relation does not require reflexivity. That is, the relation must satisfy the following properties. for all x, y and z:PartialEq.eq(x, y) == PartialEq.eq(y, x)
PartialEq.eq(x, y) == PartialEq.eq(y, z) == PartialEq.eq(x, z)
concept means that a full equivalence relation is defined for the type. Addition toPartialEq
, this concept requires relations to have reflexivity.Eq.eq(x, y) == Eq.eq(y, x)
Eq.eq(x, y) and Eq.eq(y, z)
impliesEq.eq(x, z)
Eq.eq(x, x)
Furthermore, this concept also contains
method, which must be consistent witheq
. -
concept means parial ordering relation. Such relations require the type satisfies properties and have consistensy toPartialEq
.PartialOrd.partial_cmp(x, y).?.compare(.eq)
impliesPartialEq.eq(x, y)
PartialOrd.partial_cmp(x, y).?.compare(.le)
impliesPartialOrd.partial_cmp(x, y).?.compare(.lt) or PartialEq.eq(x, y)
PartialOrd.partial_cmp(x, y).?.compare(.ge)
impliesPartialOrd.partial_cmp(x, y).?.compare(.lt) or PartialEq.eq(x, y)
Ord Concept for types that forms total order. Implementations must be consistent with
.Ord.cmp(x, y) == PartialOrd.partial_cmp(x, y).?
Destroy The
concept provides an interface for destroying values. Values of types implementing this concept can be destroyed bydestroy(@This())
ordestroy(@This(), std.mem.Allocator)
Module Hierarchy
- basis_concept (the root module)
- copy
- isCopyable
- clone
- isClonable
- Clone
- partial_ord
- isPartialOrd
- PartialOrd
- ord
- isOrd
- Ord
- trivial_eq
- isTrivialEq
- partial_eq
- isPartialEq
- PartialEq
- eq
- isEq
- Eq
- trivial_destroy
- isTrivialDestroy
- destroy
- Destroy
- prelude
- Clone
- PartialEq
- PartialOrd
- Ord
- Eq
- Destroy
- copy
Concept Convention
Implementations of concept on types, are follows some conventions.
For any concept C
, implC
, isC
and C
maybe implemented.
fn implC(comptime T:type) bool
Determine if the typeT
satisfies conceptC
directly. -
fn isC(comptime T:type) bool
Determine if the typeT
satisfies conceptC
. -
const C = struct { ... };
that implements generic functions that depend on the conceptC
. -
fn DeriveC(comptime T:type) type
Derive functions that depend onC
Package Contents
- .gitattributes
- zigmod.lock
- build.zig
- zigmod.yml
- src/lib.zig
- src/clone.zig
- src/meta.zig
- src/ord.zig
- src/partial_ord.zig
- src/trivial_destroy.zig
- src/destroy.zig
- src/trivial_eq.zig
- src/partial_eq.zig
- src/eq.zig
- src/copy.zig
- .gitignore
Published On | Tree @ Commit | Size | |
v0.17 | Sun, 12 Feb 2023 09:14:56 UTC | Tree | 100.340 KB |
v0.16 | Thu, 29 Dec 2022 09:46:39 UTC | Tree | 99.978 KB |
v0.15 | Tue, 13 Dec 2022 14:57:19 UTC | Tree | 100.759 KB |
v0.14 | Thu, 08 Dec 2022 12:52:39 UTC | Tree | 98.321 KB |
v0.13 | Wed, 07 Dec 2022 16:51:23 UTC | Tree | 96.665 KB |
v0.12 | Sat, 03 Dec 2022 22:21:43 UTC | Tree | 93.528 KB |
v0.11 | Thu, 24 Nov 2022 13:10:07 UTC | Tree | 91.876 KB |
v0.10 | Wed, 23 Nov 2022 19:22:29 UTC | Tree | 91.845 KB |
v0.9 | Tue, 22 Nov 2022 03:05:11 UTC | Tree | 91.468 KB |
v0.8 | Mon, 21 Nov 2022 15:36:31 UTC | Tree | 91.459 KB |
v0.7 | Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:45:57 UTC | Tree | 91.441 KB |
v0.6 | Mon, 31 Oct 2022 16:44:56 UTC | Tree | 90.926 KB |
v0.5 | Sat, 29 Oct 2022 20:21:56 UTC | Tree | 90.863 KB |
v0.4 | Thu, 27 Oct 2022 12:07:16 UTC | Tree | 89.444 KB |
v0.3 | Wed, 26 Oct 2022 15:25:42 UTC | Tree | 88.893 KB |
v0.2 | Wed, 26 Oct 2022 15:24:09 UTC | Tree | 88.852 KB |
v0.1 | Thu, 13 Oct 2022 14:53:38 UTC | Tree | 79.403 KB |